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The Working Conditions Act obliges every employer with at least one employee (even if it is a zero hour contract) to conclude a contract with a working conditions service or company doctor. As a certified occupational health and safety service, Vitacon Luteijn B.V. can assist you in the core statutory tasks:
We have a large network of experts to provide you with the desired advice and guidance in all areas.
From the moment that an employee is absent, the obligations of the Gatekeeper Improvement Act take effect. These obligations are aimed at ensuring that absent employees return to work as quickly as possible. For 104 weeks you, as an employer, together with the employee, are obliged to undertake reintegration activities in order to realise the return to their current or other suitable work.
If your employee has a permanent employment contract, you are obliged to continue to pay their salary during the entire period of absenteeism, up to a maximum of 104 weeks. If your employee has a fixed-term contract and it is not renewed during the time of absence, you are obliged to continue to pay the wages until the end of the contract date. If your employee is still unable to work when the contract comes to an end, the Dutch Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) will continue to pay the wages on the basis of the Sickness Benefits Act.
As an employer, you pay contributions for benefits and payments by the UWV via the payroll administration.
The Gatekeeper Improvement Act obliges you, as an employer in the event of long-term absenteeism, to build up a reintegration file, which can be sent to the UWV for the Work and Income Act (WIA) examination after 104 weeks of sickness. The UVW checks whether the file is complete and whether the employer and employee have fulfilled all their obligations. Vitacon Luteijn B.V. and its experts will work with you to ensure that the dossier is complete and that the reintegration file contains:
Vitacon Luteijn B.V.’s health and safety package consists of an annual participation fee of €60 per employee. Any supplement activities will be charged monthly on the basis of the rates stated in the rates list.
As an employer, you can take out absenteeism insurance to insure yourself against the cost of continued payment of salary in the event of absence. The insurance company takes over some or all of the payment and pays it to the employer. Vitacon Luteijn B.V. collaborates with Thoma assurantiën in Doetinchem. As an employer, you pay a fixed premium over your total wage bill for the absenteeism insurance.
If you are convinced that Vitacon Luteijn B.V. is the right partner for you, we will require the following information:
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Get off to a sound fiscal start when doing business in the Netherlands
Ondernemer, wat gebeurt er als jij er morgen niet meer bent?
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